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One in None Sacha Center
‘Wearing white light for all to see
the inner clarity of God shining everywhere.
That is Sacha.'
(Quote ShantiMayi)
The ‘One in None Sacha Center’ is the abode of where Jivanjili's heart lives. Jivanjili’s Spiritual Master ShantiMayi blessed her with the name: The implication of this name is in itself a koan (an unanswerable question) and reaches far beyond comprehension. The real understanding is found in the silence of the heart and is not bound to any location. From her earliest years, Jivanjili’s life has been marked by the profound question, coming from the depth of her heart: “Who am I really?” Her early years in Holland and her life as a single mother of three daughters never obscured her search for Truth. Her first teacher, a Zen Master, introduced her to a deep period in Zen. This set the stage for recognizing her next Master, Osho. Two years after Osho's passing, Jivanjili met her current Master, Sri ShantiMayi. With an instant shock of realization, her life's quest got silenced in the Grace and Light of this Master of Hearts. ShantiMayi asked Jivanjili in 2000 to spread the Light of Wisdom and to give satsang. Satsang means ‘gathering in Truth’. Jivanjili teaches from the same authenticity that she knew inside of herself from childhood. In satsang the audience is asked to bring forth heart's questions. Jivanjili shines a light, always pointing to the Wisdom that resides deeply within in each and everyone. Her teachings are characterized by clarity, joy and spontaneity. Although rooted in the Sacha Lineage, Jivanjili is not exclusively bound by any lineage. She says: “These times are characterized by transmission and weaving of all Ancient Wisdom Tribes and Lineages in One Great Call for Awakening". ~~~~ OM Sacha!
"The Guru-disciple relation is the most intimate dance in Love and Light." click Her Heart |